Be Slim and Fit. Easy ways to burn calories / fat and stay young ever.

Weight Loss Formulas:

Sleep Well and Reduce Body Mass:

The sleep directly affects body mass. Lack of sleep makes the body lose its ability to perform metabolic functions, such as processing and regulating carbohydrates, which have more chances of weight gain.

Burn Calories by Spontaneous Physical Activity (SPA):

Spontaneous Physical Activities like fidgeting, bending etc gives a fast metabolism rate and never gain extra kilos or calories. This alone can burn upto 350 calories per day.

Laugh And Reduce Calorie:

Do you like to watch comedy shows? If not, then do watch. Because laughing is the perfect stress-relieving, fat releasing antidote. An hour of intense laughter can burn as many as 120 calories! Which is equivalent to half-an-hour at the gym. Laugh and Stay Fit.

Eat Fat to Reduce Fat:

Diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs - powerful reducers of belly fat) and poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs - help release fat) found in olive oil, nuts, avocados and fish, which can actually help you burn fat.

Consume Dairy for Fat loss:

Those who have dificiencies in calcium hold a greater fat mass and experience less control of appetite. Dairy sources of calcium like yogurt, low fat cheese and milk accelerate fat loss.

Chocolate - Reduce Waistline:

Dark Cholocate contains a large number of antioxidants. It contains Flavonoids, which help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric oxide, and balance certain hormones in the body.
A Trick to release Fat: Go heavy on the cocoa, and reduce sugar. Add unsweetened cocoa, with your shakes and coffee. Cocoa is rich in antioxidant, and consumed in moderation, will help weight loss.

Oatmeal - Improves Your Look:

Oatmeal is a nutritious diet and has positive effects on the health of children, especially their dental health. Oatmeal is important for strengthening the teeth and in improving their looks. And its a good source of dietary fibre and protien. Also rich in iron, magnesium and zinc. Its helps reduce cholesterol because rich in beta Glucan a soluble fibre. Add oats daily and cut down on food high in saturated fat, trans fat and Cholesterol.

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