
The only thing that overcomes Hard Luck is Hard Work.
-- Harry Golden. - Author.

It is better to drink of deep griefs than to taste shallow pleasures.
-- William Hazlitt. - Writer.

Nearly all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's character,
give him power.
-- Abraham Lincoln.

Failure is only the opportunity to
begin again more intelligently.
-- Henry Ford.

The only way of catching a train,
I ever discovered is to miss the train before.
-- G. K. Chesterton. - Writer.

Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.
-- Cecil B Demille. - Director.

Courage isn't having the strength to go on;
It's going on when you don't have the strength.
-- Napoleon Bonparte.

He who never made a mistake
never made a discovery.
-- Samuel Smiles.

It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than vise versa.
-- Warren Buffet.

The most innovative designers consciouly reject the standard option box and,
cultivate an appetite for thinking wrong.
-- Marty Neumeier. - Brand Consultant.

Your body is not a temple,
It's an Amusement Park.
Enjoy the ride.
-- Anthony Bourdain. - Chef.

It's only in forgetting yourself,
That you draw near to God.
-- Henry David Thoreau. - Writer.

I think that travel comes from some deep urge to see the world,
Like the urge that brings up a worm in an irish bog to see the moon when it is full.
-- Lord Dunsany. - Painter.

What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?
-- Lin Yutang. - Writer.

If people take the trouble to cook,
You should take the trouble to eat.
-- Robert Morley. - Actor.

We give up leisure in order that we may have leisure,
Just as we go to the war in order that we may have peace.
--Aristotle. - Philosopher.

A true love of God must begin with a delight in his holiness.
-- Jonathan Edwards. - Theologian.

When you're building a room, you're building character,
And character is the strength and wisdom of a home.
-- Rose Tarlow. - Interior Designer.

Never invest in a business you cannot understand.
-- Warren Buffett.

Your most unhappy customers are
your greatest source of learning.
-- Bill Gates.

The key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them.
-- Peter Lynch.
My friend shows what i can do,
and my foe what i should.
-- Friedrich von schiller.

We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies.
Very few people can endure much leisure.
-- Gerald Brenan. - Writer.

Leisure only means a chance to do other jobs that demand attention.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes. - JR., Jurist.

We must try not to sink beneath our Anguish..... But battle on.
-- J. K. Rowling. - Author.

All who call on God in true faith,
Will certainly be heard,
And will receive what they desire.
-- Martin Luther. - Theologian.

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